It's been difficult.

9. Stop quarrels rather than start them

10. Better to be persecuted for good than wrong. (see Paul’s letters)

11. Make sure it is not YOUR personality.

12. The end result is what is important.

These statements best describe Lyle. He lived by his words. He cherished his wife, enjoyed his kids and had peace with his neighbor.

I am working with Brenda to create an Archive of his many photos. He loved nature and trees, but he didn’t worship them… He worshipped the Creator, Elohim.

Thank you Lyle. I am a better man because of your example. I know I can live life to the fullest because you showed me what it is like to life for Jesus, the Savior of mankind.

The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I came so that you might have life, and have it abundantly. – John 10:10



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  • Jasonhillpdx

    I’m reading this on the way home from Dick’s funeral–he also lived to the age of 70 and was a mentor of mine.

    I can’t imagine what you experienced during Lyle’s last heartbeats. I know that you were a comfort to those around you, but you must have been exploding inside.

    I feel as though we’ve reached an age where the batton is being passed and now it is our turn to be the models. What a great example you have been given.

    Take everthing Lyle taught you and live it. In so many ways you already are. I am proud of you for that my brother, and I am fortunate to have you in my life.

  • Logan

    May our God shower you and Lyle’s Family with Grace and Mercy. To Him be the Glory

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