redlogoToday is World AIDS day. Many groups like, ONE, (RED), World Vision and others are bringing education to the globe about AIDS/HIV.

Studies show that 30% of US citizens know little or nothing about AIDS/HIV. Even more feel detached since they don’t know anyone immediately who has AIDS, is dying from AIDS or has died from AIDS. So the question is, “What do you know about AIDS?”

I’ll not take the time here to try and explain all the ins and outs of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, but I will say we cannot play ignorant. According to UNICEF, “some 33 million [30-36 million] people were living with HIV as of 2007; 2 million of them were children under 15 years, and about 15.5 million were women.”

An estimated “15 million [13-19 million] children under the age of 18 have lost one or both parents to AIDS.” This increases risk of school dropout, discrimination and hardships that could lead to that child’s illness and or death.

Everyday 1,000 children become infected with HIV because their mothers didn’t have the right care.

With the right care, prenatal counseling, ARV medication (Antiretroviral used to treat HIV), and Hope, we could have babies being born free of HIV even though their mothers are infected.

It takes a simple phone call to your Senator asking them to support the $7.2 billion for global HIV and AIDS program and to vote against any efforts to reduce AIDS funding. In a country that spends $20 billion a year on frozen desserts, I think we can still pick up a phone.

I called my Senators offices and let my voice be heard. It’s simple and ONE voice can make a difference.

Contact your Senator HERE



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