Happy New Year! January Desktop 2010

Happy New Year! Alright, I know there are a few more hours, but why deny it? So many things are going on in 2010. The older I get, this year I’ll be 40, the more I find myself saying, “Lord willing I’ll…” (A phrase my mom uses often) So, what’s planned for 2010. January I’ll be traveling to San Diego for a Child Ambassador conference with World Vision. During that trip, we will spend a day in Tijuana visiting an Area Development Program, ADP. It’s a great opportunity to see how things work in the field with World Vision and the child sponsorship program. At the end of February, first of March, I’ve been asked to photograph another World Vision ADP trip, this time in Guatemala. After that, in April or May, Lord willing, Hannah and I will travel to Uganda, Africa to work with Jeff Cash and others at Camp Saka and Faith Quest Uganda 2010. Then it’s back to the States just in time for U2 in Seattle. Junior Teen Camp will be in the first of July and as of yet there are no plans to visit the Navajo Res in Tuba City in August. Perhaps a time to swim in the pool with the kids. September will be Faith Quest US in Oregon and after that, Lord willing, the annual hike to the Enchantments in Washington.

It’s scary to type one paragraph and see 2010 almost gone and 2011 as a light shining at the end of a short tunnel. I think I’ll stop typing about my year. I still have the CHRISTmas tree up and from the looks of the above, I should just keep it up.

Anyhow, this year I’m returning to the simple photo challenge of 52 shots. One photo each week. I’ll try to put a unique spin on it by calling it “52 blessings” a photographical journey of my blessings in 2010. Let’s pray my camera gear doesn’t get stolen this year. I’ve also planned to publish at least one ebook in 2010 I’ve been working on, a calendar desktop for each month and a serious attempt to maintain my blog. Oh and I need to lose some weight too.

So buckle up. It’s going to be a fun year. It will be my 40th year of life and I’m hoping for a great one. Psalm 40 says,

I waited and waited and waited for God. At last he looked; finally he listened.

He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud.

He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip.

He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, a praise-song to our God.

More and more people are seeing this: they enter the mystery,

abandoning themselves to God.

Now, here’s my offering to you. I hope you enjoy this gift to start your New Year. I know you might rather see a beach, sun and some sand, but this is January. You can download the free background HERE.

I love hearing your thoughts and comments so don’t be afraid to leave them. I moderate my comments to help reduce spam. So remember, if you leave a comment, know that I’m checking it first.

Thanks everyone for all your support in 2009. It was filled with joys and hurts. I am truly thankful for the hope we have in Jesus.



  • marlette

    Love the desktop calendar photos! I especially appreciate the ones with the calendar on the right side of the photo, since all my icons are on the left.

    Love to the whole Thomas clan and my thoughts are with you this year – my 50th, by the way!

  • marlette

    Love the desktop calendar photos! I especially appreciate the ones with the calendar on the right side of the photo, since all my icons are on the left.

    Love to the whole Thomas clan and my thoughts are with you this year – my 50th, by the way!

  • marlette

    Love the desktop calendar photos! I especially appreciate the ones with the calendar on the right side of the photo, since all my icons are on the left.

    Love to the whole Thomas clan and my thoughts are with you this year – my 50th, by the way!

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