27th Sep 2005Posted in: Uncategorized View Comments
Update on Whitney

Today I called Brent Brady in Colorado to see how things were going with Whitney. Brent told me that Whitney stayed at his home for 3 days and then left for Chicago to meet with the father of the child she had given up for adoption six weeks earlier. Brent told me she and the father had planned to meet and work things out. Brent also told me that he had made some contacts in Chicago for her to help her on her way.

Brent said he didn’t think that the events of the last few weeks will go by the way side. He believed she was impacted by the “God” events in her life.

And so, this is the hard part. I may never see her or hear from her again on earth… However, God never promised me that. He told me to share what it looks like and just believe. I do. And so I will let God continue to work wonders in the lives of his people. I will continue to look for another opportunity.

Where ever you are Whitney, Gods speed.


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